Weird QuantizerQuantize notes to polyrhythmic or irrational grids.
Weird SwingSwing polyrhythmic, non dyadic or tuplet note values.
Weird DurationSet MIDI notes’ durations to polyrhythmic, tuplet, and non dyadic time values. 
Weird ShifterShift your MIDI along non traditional polyrhythmic, tuplet, and non dyadic grids. 
Clip ManipDifferent algorithms to generate variation in your MIDI clips.
Fractional StretchStretch your MIDI with different types of fractions.


Sostenudo Freeze Pedal: A sostenuto pedal, a freeze pedal, or a combination of the two.

Dual MIDI Freeze: Freeze 2 separate channels of MIDI and have them interact with each other in interesting ways.

Voice Splitter Pro: Split polyphonic MIDI into up to 16 different monophonic tracks.

Pitch Splitter: Split up your MIDI by pitch. Send each pitch to its own track.

Range Splitter: Split MIDI notes by range and send them to different tracks.

Heap MIDI Receiver: Receive MIDI notes from my other devices.

Heap MIDI Sender: Send MIDI from different tracks to all of my devices that receive MIDI.

4 Voice Splitter: Split 4 voices into 4 mono voices, or 16 voices into 4 groups of 4 voices, send each voice or group of voices to its own track.


Bend Scale: Bend between any notes you want.

Bend Keys: Send pitch bend information with MIDI notes.

Bend Sequence: Bend through sequences instead of smooth bends.

Bend Sequences(Microtonal): Bend through microtonal sequences.

Bend Shaper: Fold, wrap and clip your bends with a waveshaper.

Bend Glide: Add glide to pitch bend.

Bend Map: Map pitch bend modulation to any parameter in Live.

Bend Scope: Display pitch bend.

Bend Offset: Modulate incoming bend with a mappable dial.

Bend Sample and Hold: Sample and hold your pitch bend modulations.

Bend Filter: Filters out either Pitch Bend or MIDI notes.

MIDI Clock Pack $13

These devices generate MIDI rhythms and sequences at a speed proportional to the MIDI notes they receive.
Multipliers: MIDI from the 8 individual clocks or the sequencer will output at a multiple the speed of the notes you input.
Dividers: MIDI from the 8 individual clocks or the sequencer will output a note every so many input notes, set by the divider.
This pack provides you with multiple unique types of delays, pitch shifters and crosses between the two.
Sequential Delay DeluxeIndependently sequence the amount of delay on your left and right channels with two 16-step sequencers.

Stereo Stretch DelayDelay and granularly stretch audio. Feed it back into itself.

Echo Arpeggiator A pitched delay network for creating arpeggiated delays.

Polyphonic PitcherPolyphonically pitch-shift incoming audio with your midi keyboard. Also has basic sampler effects built in (LFOs, ADSRs, flter etc.).

Monophonic PitcherMonophonically pitch-shift incoming audio with your MIDI keyboard. Also has basic sampler effects built in (LFOs, ADSRs, flter etc.).